Monday, October 18, 2010

bukan koma ya.

yeay. full stop in everything.
done. yeay. done.

and the one point,
to start the rolling of the ink ball,
to get thus in great hall,
i mean,
the contradiction call,
is there,
sell in the mall.

it is nothing,
truly no thing,
like the hidden wing,
i have put everything through singing,
no voice,
to make myself thinking.

and full stop,
and drop.

~~reality itu lucu bah. tapi kenapa bukan ketawa.


hijabalam said...

apa maksud er?
realiti itu lucu tapi kenapa x leh ketawa?

ERu said...

er kata 'bukan ketawa' not 'x leh ketawa'.

lain maknanya. :)

Cik Elle said...
