Sunday, October 16, 2011


they said i am such
knowing me like thunder clutch
keep telling the same things
till sweat is no longer a sweat
flood and full by desultory.
when they won the glory
they shouted merry.

they said i am the scion
erudite among the fierce lion
seems to know the bull
neither cool nor fool.
when they won the glory,
they shouted merry.

and still,
they said i am scion.

-saya guru sandaran...acepedeh lol-


Antara said...

cam merapu sket kali nih. haaa... ko tgh angau ni....hehehe

phytohystrix said...

this,is a brilliant piece en er. :)

ERu said...

antara : haha. bila masanya aku tak merapu. ni angau benda lain eaa.. huhu

phyto : thanks. :)